Pia McKeown

Pia McKeown Owner and operator of Temptatations Licensed Bar & Cafe in Mossman established 34 years ago and has diversified the business over the years keeping up to the current market and trends. Pia also operators a fashion boutique for the past 12 years in Mossman and Port Douglas. Pia has past experience as a managing director of a large passenger transport company for 16 years in Mossman, Port Douglas and Cairns areas, and has great knowledge in local community and tourist expectations while visiting the shire. Pia is committed to supporting the Douglas Shire Chamber to help drive new and existing business to succeed and grow our region.

Pia McKeown Owner and operator of Temptatations Licensed Bar & Cafe in Mossman established 34 years ago and has diversified the business over the years keeping up to the current market  and trends. Pia also operators a fashion boutique  for the past 12 years in Mossman and Port Douglas. Pia has past experience as a managing director of a large passenger transport company for 16 years in Mossman, Port Douglas and Cairns areas, and has great knowledge in local community and tourist expectations while visiting the shire. Pia is committed to supporting the Douglas Shire Chamber to help drive new and existing business to succeed and grow our region.

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Mossman Street Party

Street Party Between 5-7pm.
Come along and enjoy the Mossman Street Party Held at the great location , Mossman This is a free event.