Robin McAdam

Robin McAdam is the General Manager of Port Douglas Apartments. Robin first moved to FNQ in 1999 from Canada and has been an active member in the local tourism sector, first as the Treasurer of Tourism Palm Cove and now as the Secretary of the Douglas Shire Accommodation Co-Op. With 15 year’s experience in financial management and over 25 year’s experience in hotel management in small, regional towns, Robin understands both the challenges of running a successful business and the importance of a cohesive and vibrant community in in achieving that goal.

Robin McAdam is the General Manager of Port Douglas Apartments. Robin first moved to FNQ in 1999 from Canada and has been an active member in the local tourism sector, first as the Treasurer of Tourism Palm Cove and now as the Secretary of the Douglas Shire Accommodation Co-Op. With 15 year’s experience in financial management and over 25 year’s experience in hotel management in small, regional towns, Robin understands both the challenges of running a successful business and the importance of a cohesive and vibrant community in in achieving that goal.   

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Mossman Street Party

Street Party Between 5-7pm.
Come along and enjoy the Mossman Street Party Held at the great location , Mossman This is a free event.