
Douglas Chamber of Commerce Constitution was established with the Chamber in 2005. The name was amended from Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce to Douglas Chamber of Commerce. Douglas Chamber of Commerce Inc is a registered Not for Profit Organisation. If you have a keen interest in supporting our local business and the prosperity of the Douglas Shire we would love to hear from you.



Filed Under:

Douglas Chamber of Commerce Constitution was established with the Chamber in 2005. The name was amended from Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce to Douglas Chamber of Commerce.

Douglas Chamber of Commerce Inc is a registered Not for Profit Organisation.

If you have a keen interest in supporting our local business and the prosperity of the Douglas Shire we would love to hear from you.

Attachments: DCC Constitution – S45C-920052917030.pdf

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Mossman Street Party

Street Party Between 5-7pm.
Come along and enjoy the Mossman Street Party Held at the great location , Mossman This is a free event.